Incorporating practical magic into this season

With the Spring Equinox approaching we wanted to share a few practical and magical tips and suggestions for some modern ways to use this time and energy to your advantage.
As winter comes to a close the night hours shorten and we reach a time when the daylight and night are equal. Whether you’re religious or spiritual or completely agnostic, this time of year is classically celebrated as a time of rebirth! Clearing away the old and ushering in the new. A time to throw the windows open and let the stale winter air out while allowing the fresh breeze of spring to fill our homes and hearts with renewed energy.
I’ll share a few things we at Alchemy Skincare like to do in our homes, businesses, and lives in general to utilize this energy.
1. Do a little decluttering
This is such a fantastic time to take inventory. I LOVE a good purge.
I’ve asked my dear friend, Professional Organizer Ruth Cleaver of Defined Spaces Home Organizing to weigh in and give us her favorite tip for maximizing efficiency while avoiding overwhelm.
Take a Glance
Find an area of the home that you use the most. Look around the room at the surface areas and notice the immediate feelings that come up. This can be the countertops in the kitchen, nightstands in the bedroom, etc. As you glance around, ask yourself, “What is out of place?” Then you can figure out where the item’s new home needs to be, or if the item has served its purpose and it’s time to let it go. Then you can toss or donate!
Give yourself some grace, this isn’t something that needs to turn into a weekend long adventure. Just take it slow, start with one drawer or one cupboard at a time. Open it and look, what is in here, do I need it, when was the last time I used it, does it serve a purpose and if it doesn’t, it’s time to say goodbye.
The goal is to put your items in a functional space where you will actually use them. In this age of mass consumerism, taking the time to decide what no longer needs to be in your space can go a long way in clearing clutter in your home and this will help your overall energy and wellbeing!
2. Go through old products
The weather is starting to get warmer and we will soon begin flocking to the pools, beaches, and sporting events and this is the perfect time to break out that old sunscreen bag.
Our personal care products are mixtures of chemicals held together in what is called a suspension. As time goes by, this suspension becomes weaker as chemical bonds break down, making the products less effective and in some cases it can be downright dangerous to put on your skin.
Sunscreens are no exception. They break down, become less effective, and you can easily end up with a sunburn while thinking you’re protected. It can be tricky to locate, some will be on the lid, others at the top/bottom of the bottle, or somewhere on the label.
While we’re going through sunscreens, take a look at those skincare products and their expiration dates. It can be hard to toss products that you’ve spent your heard earned money on. Using products consistently and avoiding impulse buys will save you money and heartache.
3. Cleanse the energy of your space
Using cleansing tools to clear the energy and protect your space can be a great way to prepare for Spring. Instead of reaching for over-harvested and culturally appropriated materials like Sage and Palo Santo, try some plant allies like ginger root, frankincense, myrrh, or other Salvia genus types. Crack a window or door (please be mindful of animals or children) and light your choice of cleansing material. Blow out the flame once lit and allow the smoke to rise, walk through your space, and wave the smoke away from you with your hand or a feather and vizualize any negative energy being sucked out of the open window/door. Do this in every corner of every room, I even like to open cupboards and closets and push that smoke through the spaces. Walk room by room so all of the spaces have been cleansed. You can verbally speak a phrase as you do this, like “old stagnant or negative energy is now removed from this space” or you can just think it as a thought. I’m not a fan of steadfast rules, I like to use my intuition based on what feels right to me. If you want to clap your hands while walking through your house and shout “no negativity in here, get the fuck out” your intention will do the job.
4. Meditate on new beginnings
After clearing out old energies, take some time to evaluate your life. Where do you feel the need for growth or change? What would you like to change or bring in? I love to diffuse essential oils that are key components of the season. Think florals like jasmin, lavender, rose, or citruses like lemon, tangerine, grapefruit. Then I cozy up and put on some calming music to get my vibe right and I envision what I would like to manifest for this new season. Be patient and know you may not reap the fruits of the seeds sowed in spring, I believe things happen in the right time for your highest and best good.
There you have a little mixture of practical magic my friends! If you need assistance with replacing any purged skincare products I would love to help you select what you need to get your skin healthy and glowing. You can book a virtual or in-person skin revision consultation right here on my site by clicking here.
If you would like to get more organization and decluttering tips or if you would like to work with Ruth you can find her website here and her social media page here.