4 Ways to celebrate the Spring Equinox

Incorporating practical magic into this season With the Spring Equinox approaching we wanted to share a few practical and magical tips and suggestions for some modern ways to use this time and energy to your advantage.  As winter comes to a close the night hours...

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How Do I Treat A Sunburn?

You might have forgotten to reapply SPF or spent too long in the sun, and now your skin is irritated, red, and you've ended up with a sunburn. While it's not ideal, it happens!  In this article, I’ll share what happens when you get a sunburn, a few things you can do...

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The Best Basic Skincare Routine Steps

The Best Basic Skincare Routine Steps

Thanks to social media and search engines, we're loaded with more information at our fingertips than ever before. Consumers are bombarded with ingredients, brands, and product types. When we choose products for our skincare routine, we're often left with analysis...

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Is Dermaplaning at home safe?

Is Dermaplaning at home safe?

You want to improve the texture of your skin, remove dead skin build-up, get rid of the peach fuzz, and improve product absorption.  You spot the at-home Dermaplane razors and think, “I’ve shaved for years, I’ve got this,” but should you?  Will it get you closer to...

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